Helen Jales
Sports Massage Therapist

Helen Jales BCMA
I began my career as a Sports Massage Therapist in 2004. I qualified in Sports Injuries and Massage with the APNT (Association of Physical and Natural Therapists) and also gained a Fitness Instructor qualification with the WABBA (World Amateur Body Building Association).
I am further qualified as a Hydrotherm Therapist and became a Senior Trainer in Hydrotherm Massage. Hydrotherm uses special cushions filled with warm water. These are placed on top of the treatment couch, providing greater comfort and perfect spinal alignment. It is particularly useful if you experience discomfort when lying face down, as the entire treatment can be carried out while lying face up and, therefore, ideal during pregnancy. I also gained qualifications in Hydrotherm Massage during Pregnancy in 2005.
I have experience working with a wide age range of clients and use my knowledge of applied anatomy to provide bespoke treatment plans to aid recovery from both injury and postural issues that cause pain from compensatory movements and dysfunctions. The treatment plan includes deep tissue massage, stretch work and rehabilitation advice. I also offer general massage.
I am registered with the BCMA (British Complementary Medicine Association).
To book an appointment with Helen or for more information:
Please call: 07981 823146
Email: helenjales@hotmail.co.uk